Submissions are now closed.

The results of the second round will be posted on May 5th, 2024.

The Ultimate Music

Showdown Competition

Winners will perform in

Logan Performing Arts Center

on June 22, 2024

Music knows no boundaries -

it transcends age, culture, language, and genre.

We are thrilled to invite singers and instrumentalists of all ages to showcase their talents in our competition. Whether you go solo or perform in a group, this is your chance to shine!

Musical Notes

June 10-21, 2024

5:30-8:30 p.m.

The 3rd Annual

Voice Of Hope

Summer Choir Camp

Click for: Camp Application

"Your Voice Holds the Power To Light The Way and Change Lives"

Coming Up Event:

Megaphone 3d Illustration

Tri City


The Ultimate Music

Showdown Competition

Winners will perform in

Logan Performing Arts Center

Click for: Application

Voice Of Hope

Summer Choir Camp

June 10-21

Concert June 22

Click for: Camp Application

Voice of Hope

Summer Concert

June 22

Mission Since 2013

Musicianship Performance Leadership Compassion Community Service

Nightingale Mission: musicianship, performance, leadership, compassion, and community service

Charity Giving Since


Deuteronomy 15:10

You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, because for this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake.

Pink and Metallic Gold Alcohol Ink

Indian Children and Widow Hope 2012-2024

Refuge and Hope 2017-2024

UNICEF USA Leadership Circle Level 2022 2023

Kids Against Hunger Fremont 2023

Generate Hope Human Trafficking Renewal Center 2023

Mexico Home Building Mission Support 2024

Thailand Anti-Human Trafficking Mission Support 2024

Fremont Harvey Green School Beautification Projects 2024

3D Gold Bird
Gold feather
3D Gold Bird


Nightingale Mission: musicianship, performance, leadership, compassion, and community service

The Tri-City Nightingale Voice, founded in March 2014, is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Fremont. Our mission is to inspire young children from local choir communities across churches, public schools, and community-based academic programs through singing, enabling them to realize their highest potential and make a positive impact on the community.

At Tri-City Nightingale, our members are exclusively selected from these local communities. We provide chorus musical studies and opportunities to participate in performances and community service, including summer music camps and charity concerts for both local and international causes.

In our friendly and supportive environment, we foster musicianship, performance skills, leadership qualities, and compassion. By promoting these values, we aim to create young leaders who will serve and contribute to the betterment of society.

golden effect.

Our Team

Artistic Director

Lead Conductor

Ms Jo Jo


Abby Elliott

Honorable Patron

Jody and Lisa


Honorable Patron

Vivian Lai

golden effect.

Our Volunteer Leader


Team Conductor

Helen Tin

Sunshine Team Conductor

Pauline Phan

Dance Director

Mantin Lu

Stage Manager

Jasmine Chiu

Costume & Makeup Manager

Maggie Ngan


Tim Stevenson


Kateline Phan

Powerful Team

Iggy Alino

Charla Alino

Teresa Keng

Word from Honorable Patron-黎瑞恩

Vivian Lai-Hong Kong Artist

首先,要恭賀這位充滿愛心的美麗天使好朋友Jo Jo!


我與Jo Jo 認識,由音樂開始,當時只得8歲,大家一齊參加屯門兒童合唱團。長大後,大家各有各忙,因為她移民到美國,我們雖然有段時間沒有見面,但音樂把我們從地球兩端一直聯繫起來。

Jo Jo把家庭安排得頭頭是道,在家是位賢妻、好母親,在外是位愛心滿滿的人間天使。她獻身社會義工15年,成立自己的慈善團體 Tri City Nightingale,組成非牟利機構合唱團。慈善工作,絕非輕易而舉的事,期間所遇到的困難挫折,絕非大家能想像,但她一一迎刃而解。

Tri City Nightingale今年成立10週年,十分欣賞Jo Jo 在這10年間的堅持,透過音樂支持及幫助不少弱勢社群,又助印度孤兒寡婦,及本地低收入家庭,有溫飽。人影響人,支持非牟利機構合唱團,用音樂影響生命,希望藉著慈善演唱會,能夠鼓勵更多有能力人士伸出援手幫助弱勢社群, 及鼓勵到更多小朋友及家長繼續學音樂,讓人生更豐富。

今次慈善演唱會,Jo Jo提供予特殊需要 的小朋友演出平台, 並且將今次的籌款捐予聯合國兒童基金會,特別指定用在烏克蘭兒童難民身上,為他們在他鄉建立新的生活以出一分力。音樂無分國界,更無分級別,祝願大家為善助人的心!


I would like to congratulate my good friend, JoJo, on her successful charity concert!

I first met JoJo when I was 8 years old. We met while we were both attending the Tuen Mun Children's Choir and we became fast friends. In her teenage year, she emigrated to the United States. Although we didn’t see each other for many years, our shared love of music kept us connected even though we were

on opposite ends of the Earth.

JoJo is a loving wife and a mother of 4 wonderful children and a caring and devoted individual in all that she does. She has devoted the last 15 years in pursuit of helping others through volunteering. In that time, she founded her own charity, Tri City Nightingale, a non-profit organization choir. She faced significant challenges building the charity to what we know it is today. Her dedication to helping others made her persevere in making Tri City Nightingale a success that brings in donations and awareness of various organizations in need of support.

I am excited to let you know that Tri City Nightingale celebrates its 10th anniversary this year! Her dedication has helped many disadvantaged groups through music. Her charity has helped support Indian orphans, widows, and local low-income families.

The charity concert provided a performance platform for children with learning disabilities and autistic children. The proceeds from the event were given to UNICEF and was designated for Ukrainian child refugees displaced by the war. These funds will build homes for these children outside of the war zone.

Music truly knows no borders. Let us all work together to help others in need so hope and love will continue to shine!

Word from Honorable Patron-Lisa and Jody Madsen

2013…..a bit over 10 years ago, a woman walked up to me after church service, as I gathered my personal items from the audio/video desk, I helped with the worship song words for the overhead screens. I had never been formally introduced to this woman, but I knew of her and her name was Ms Jo Jo. She excitedly asked me to travel to India with her and our pastor.

I stood in awe, shock, hesitancy, denial…several emotions. But did not respond.

I don’t know what she thought of me, to ask such an important question. Again, we didn’t know each other! After an uncomfortable amount of time, I asked her if I could get back with her.

Fast forward, we are in India. Basically, on our own with a local pastor to attend village Bible readings, youth retreats, woman retreats, orphanage visits, elderly home visits…all of these to share the good news, Jesus. I remember standing up to speak to a couple hundred people, thinking ‘I am just a finance person,I shouldn’t be speaking!'

However, Jo Jo, she would shine! Don’t get me wrong, we were nervous. We not only leaned on each other, we learned to lean on Jesus. He showed up! We grew so much over that 12-day mission trip to India. We were stretched to uncomfortable lengths. We were changed.

Over the following years, I have walked along side Jo Jo and her ministries. She has listened and followed Jesus. With that, has come accomplishment after accomplishment to glorify HIM.

I am always in amazement at the walk that Jo Jo has. Her use of music and leadership has led to her touching many many children and young adult’s hearts for Jesus. Music is the vehicle to teach Jesus to all that she comes across. The humps in the road are continuously overcome because she leans on Jesus. With that behavior, she is an amazing example to her family, friends, and acquaintances.

Jo Jo, thank you for being my friend. Thank you for showing me Jesus. Thank you for always walking forward, despite the doors that have been shut in front of you. Thank you for loving Jesus the way you do. I’m encouraged and excited to watch what comes next. Continue to be passionate, willing, and obedient to your God given talents. Continue guided by the Holy Spirit.

With love and blessings

Lisa and Jody

Dove with Branch Illustration

2023-2024 Event Calendar


(Sat & Sun) August 5th and 6th, 2023-Fremont Festival of Art-Perform both days at 3 p.m.

(Sun) August 27, 2023-Nightingale First Rehearsal of season 2023-2024

(Sun) October 8th, 2023-Fremont Olive Festival -Perform at 1:30 p.m.

(Wed) October 18th, 2023- Sunshine Singers First Rehearsal of season 2023-2024

(Sun) November 12th, 2023-Fremont Hills Elder Thankful Season Performance

(Sat) January 20th, 2024 Spring Concert, Grace Church Fremont 2-5 p.m.

(Fri) March 22nd, 2024-Sunshine Singers Green Fundraising Concert-Harvey Green School MUR

(Sat) May 11th, 2024. The Ultimate Music Showdown Competition

Winners will perform in the June 22nd concert

(M-F) June 10th-21st, 2024-Summer Choir Camp, Grace Church Fremont 5:30-8:30 p.m.

(Sat) June 22nd, 2024-Annual Charity Concert, Logan Performing Art Center 2:00-5:00 p.m.

Summer Leaves Shadow

Location: Harvey Green Elementary School MUR

Tri City Nightingale Sponsored

The Sunshine Singers

Community Children’s Choir

August 5th and 6th, 2023-Fremont Festival of Art

October 8th, 2023-Fremont Olive Festival

Performace 2023

November 12th, 2023-Fremont Hills

Tri-City Nightingale, featured in this interview, was recognized with four major WOMCO Awards

(World Online Music Competitions Organization) in 2022-2023.


Great America Choir Competition Treble Choir-

First Place 2018

Great America Choir Competition Treble Choir-

First Place 2019



8 hands piano- Gold prize

6 hands piano- Silver prize

Master of Emotion Special Award

Classical Music- under age 17

Silver Prize

Chamber Music-Bronze Prize

3D Gold Bird

2023-2024 Nightingale

Alexis Phung

Amelia Chen

Amelia Wu

Angelina Chen

Annie Lee

Bella Lin

Ellie Chiu

Erin Chiu

Ivan Wu

Jovie Lin

Kaylee Chang

Lucy Phung

3D Gold Bird

2023-2024 Nightingale

Mikayla Fong

Milianna Lu

Mitina Lu

Shannie Lee

Sheldon Fung

Siona Mohapatra

Sophia Jelinek

Vishita Ganta

Yuna Bessemer

Zackary Chang

Zoe Phung

2023-2024 Nightingale Instrumental Player Group

Junior Trio Pianists

Angelina Chen

Amelia Wu Zoe Phung

Intermediate Trio Pianists

Ivan Wu

Jovie Lin Kaylee Chang

Senior Quartet Pianists

Amelia Chen Milianna Lu

Mikayla Fong Lucy Phung

Gold Glitter Shiny Sprinkles Texture
Gradient Gold Round Frame

Piano Accompanist

Otto Chiu

Gradient Gold Round Frame

Piano Accompanist

Karen Chiu

Parent Accompanist

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Flautist Accompanist

Yu-Ming Chang

“Find a group of people who challenge and inspire you, spend a lot of time with them, and it will change your life.”

Amy Poehler

2023 Summer Annual Charity Concert

2023 Voice Of Hope Concert Highlight

Parent Accompanist-Song Of Beach

The Power Of Music-Finale

I Could Have Dance All Night

Wouldn’t Be Lovely

The Sound Of Music

Parent Choir- Time Of My Life

Rocking Champion-

Special Need Student Awesome Team

The Hummingbird

Helen, Jasmine, Jo Jo and Teresa

Hummingbird logo. Isolated hummingbird on white background

Parent and Rocking Champion Choir

What Our Nightingales Say

3D Gold Bird

Hi there, my name is Ellie. I'm turning 11 in July and just completed 5th grade. I absolutely love singing, and being part of Ms. Jo Jo's choir, since kindergarten, has been the coolest thing ever! I've always had a passion for music, and singing has always been one of my favorite things to do. When my mom signed me up for Ms. Jo Jo's choir, I immediately fell in love with it. Ms. Jo Jo is an amazing teacher who always makes our rehearsals exciting.

In choir, I've made some wonderful friends too! We share a love for music and it's so fun to sing together and learn from each other. One time, we even got to perform at an elderly home, and it was a special experience to sing for them.

Being part of this choir has truly taken my love for music to a whole new level. Ms. Jo Jo has been an inspiration to me, and I thank God every day for the opportunity to sing with her. She always makes singing so much fun and I feel incredibly lucky to be a part of this amazing choir.

-Ellie Chiu

Hi, I'm Vishita, an 11-year-old soon joining Walters Middle School as a sixth grader. I've studied music with Ms. Jo Jo for 2 years. She taught me to embrace music and introduced me to various styles. Initially, I approached class as a memorization exercise, but I've learned to connect with songs and lyrics. Ms. Jo Jo also taught me stage presence, boosting my confidence. She's an inspiring, understanding, and disciplined teacher. Recently, I restarted piano and noticed the distinctiveness of her teaching style. When I make mistakes, she encourages me to keep going and clarifies my doubts after the song. I've grown from a beginner to singing complex songs. Ms. Jo Jo creates expectations to help me reach my full potential. She forms a strong bond, answering questions and explaining concepts clearly. Outside music, I enjoy swimming, art, and excel in academics. As a class representative, I applied my stage skills to deliver speeches with ease. This is just the beginning of my musical journey, and I'm excited to explore further

-Vishita Ganta.

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What Our Parents Say

I learned how to play the piano in my childhood. I had a very strict teacher and associated piano with unpleasant, hard work. After immigrating to the US, my lessons stopped and as such I stopped practicing completely. It wasn’t until much later that I learned to appreciate the beautiful music that the piano makes. I began playing again as my kids grew older and started taking their own lessons. I am using this as an opportunity to share the experience with them, and also as a way to relax from all the work stress. I am an introvert, so performing in from of others makes me nervous. However, I am hoping to use this experience to bond with my girls, and to inspire them to step out of their comfort zone.

Otto C-Parent of Ellie and Erin C

Mikayla used to be a shy girl who was afraid of being in front of others. However, being part of the Nightingales has made her more confident. She now has the chance to try new things that she never thought she could do before. Ms. Jo Jo, the choir director, is always enthusiastic and full of energy. She helps Mikayla discover her hidden talents and brings out the best of her. Mikayla feels incredibly lucky to showing her the power of music and giving her the opportunity to grow and become a more self-assured person.

Maggie N-Parent of Mikayla F

I have known Ms. Jo Jo for several years as a music teacher and leader for the Bay Area community. Ms. Jo Jo influences and motivates no matter what. With both optimism and drive, she sets an example and encourages others to work to his or her potential and brings the best out of each of her students. Ms. Jo Jo creates a loving community, and drives that community towards a collective mission. She teaches what is right, strives with all our might toward the unattainable, develops as fully as we can the gifts God has given us, and never stops learning.

Wei P-Parents of Lucy and Zoe P

What Our Alumni Say

3D Gold Bird

My name is Pauline Phan, and I am a first generation Nightingale. I have known Miss JoJo since I was in first grade, and since then have participated in her various choirs, summer camps, performances, and competitions over the many years. My love for music and singing were further developed because of her teaching and guidance, and I have grown from a student to assistant and now conductor. I grew up down the street from Harvey Green Elementary School, and I had the pleasure to come back to the school to assist students and parents in crossing the street during busy traffic, and aid Miss JoJo in leading and conducting the Green choir. Our passion in serving the community is shown through our dedication to teaching music, and I am very blessed to have been alongside Miss JoJo for over two thirds of my life. Getting to know the students first outside the class then joining them on their musical journey has been such a joy, and I hope it encourages my little friends to start or continue to pursue music. Singing is not just a method of entertainment, but also an outlet for one to express themselves and the message they want to give to others. My message is to spread love and happiness to those around through the power of music.

My name is Cindy Wang, a member of the first Nightingale generation. I have always enjoyed singing and various musical activities as a child and thus joined in Angel Children's choir and later Nightingale under Ms. Jo Jo. Throughout the years, I had the privilege of participating in numerous Nightingale concerts and even contributed as a teacher at their summer camps. Ms. Jo Jo's unwavering dedication to music and her continuous efforts in fostering a nurturing space for young individuals to explore and express themselves artistically have profoundly influenced the trajectory of my own life. Presently, I hold a dual degree in History and Music from the University of Chicago and am actively engaged as an illustrator for two radio stations based in Chicago. I owe a great deal of credit to Ms. Jo Jo for instilling the inspiration that led me to this fulfilling path in life and am looking forward to witnessing her ability to inspire the upcoming generation and the incredible impact she will continue to have.

Music Journey with Nightingale 2022-2023

Nightingale Alumni 2012-2022

Community Choirs sponsored by Nightingale

Gold feather

Partnership and Event 2012-2023

Gold feather

Sunshine Singer Community Choir 2023-2024

Voice of Hope Charity Camp 2023

Voice of Hope Charity Camp 2022

Fremont Bringhurst Elementary school (after school choir)

Fremont Azevada Elementary school(after school choir)

Fremont Harvey Green Elementary school(after school choir)

Fremont Vallejo Mill Elementary school(after school choir)

Newark Stellar Academy For Dyslexics(choir/instrumental)

Newark Community Teaching Heart Homeschool(home school choir)

Newark Bunker Elementary School(after school choir)

Newark Cedar Blvd Neighborhood church(Angel Children’s choir/Summer choir camp)

Newark Cedar Church (Summer choir camp)

Fremont Resonate Church(Summer program)


Some of the past event

We'd love to hear from you

Contact us for performance inquiry

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